Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Effective Requirement Process

I waited a month before replying to a question on one of Tom Gilb's forums. This is only partly because I wanted to avoid doing the student's assignment. The main reason was so that I could canvass opinions on LinkedIn's new(ish) Answers facility. Interesting results from LinkedIn were:

  1. A general distrust of KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
  2. The absence of any reference to possible KPIs, however flawed or dangerous
  3. A belief in the impossibility of measuring the effectiveness of requirement processes
  4. A fairly low number of responses (7). Is that because it's a hard question or an uninteresting one, I wonder.

I may yet re-open the question with my own thoughts included as clarification. For the moment I must leave a little time for others to comment on my Gilb post.